PDF / Cataloging: Seattle OCR Software Solutions
For small companies, or for less sophisticated solution requirements, cataloging of PDF Files offers a simple and cost effective solution for finding and viewing scanned document using just the Adobe viewer on virtually all PC’s.
How PDF Cataloging & OCR Software works:
- Each scanned image is captured to produce a “searchable” (OCR’d) PDF file.
- Note: The documents must be typed (or, at least the data for which you will be searching) and relatively clean in appearance to allow for accurate OCR recognition.
- A database is automatically created of all text in each PDF file.
- This allows for global searching throughout the entire data set of PDF files.
Benefits of PDF Cataloging:
- Reduces scanning costs by eliminating the need to capture searchable metadata for each document.
- Search is much faster than searching the text imbedded in PDF files, in a directory.
- The cataloging enacts the global searching features of the free Adobe Reader.
- All data and the catalog can be self-contained on a CD or DVD.